Kiwifruit Gold giving the golden touch to wellness!


Looking for a natural touch of goodness to enhance your cosmetic, vitamin, or health products? Our freshly processed Gold Kiwifruit Puree offers a wealth of benefits for all consumer demographics: sports enthusiasts, the elderly, and vegans. Our Kiwifruit Gold Puree is rich in actinidin, and in freeze-dried form, it is suitable for high enzyme active applications for capsules and tablets.

Nutrient Powerhouse

Despite their small size, Kiwifruit Golds are packed with an impressive nutrient profile. These delightful fruits boast a burst of flavour and are loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and powerful plant compounds that your body will benefit from.

Versatility at its finest

Kiwifruit Gold fruit isn't just limited to consumption; it also works wonders in beauty products. Whether you eat them or apply them topically, Kiwifruit Golds provide inner and outer beauty benefits, thanks to their rich antioxidant content and abundant vitamin C.

Heart-Healthy Goodness

Kiwifruit Golds contain fibre, potassium, and antioxidants that contribute to heart health. These nutrients can help regulate blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular issues.

Youthful Glow

Our Kiwifruit seeds, once pressed to release Omega 3 and 6 oils, find their path to numerous high-profile cosmetic companies worldwide.

Differentiate Your Products with Skin Extracts

Our Kiwifruit skin is prepressed while retaining puree and essential nutrients. These valuable elements can be extracted by third-party processors, resulting in a final powder form used in the nutraceutical industry.

Open the door to innovation and make your mark in the world of cosmetics, vitamins, and health products with our extraordinary super-fresh Kiwifruit Gold Puree and Seeds. Your customers will relish each dose.

Get in with your orders early for next season to ensure you don’t miss out.


Our dedicated team is eagerly waiting to assist you in taking your research to new heights with the unparalleled freshness and quality of our Gold Kiwifruit Puree.